Administrative Law

Administrative Law is the branch of law that regulates the relations between public administrations and companies or individuals. This is an area of law that requires a high degree of specialization and at LHM LEGAL, we provide you with the best professionals in the administrative field, to facilitate your relations with the public sector.

These are some of the issues we can advise you on:

Preventive work

Aimed at ensuring that your relations with the different public administrations and organizations are smooth. Working with us you will know at all times if you comply with current regulations, if you need licenses, authorizations or responsible declarations to be able to carry out your activity, and you will remain informed of all regulatory developments that occur so that you always comply, avoiding unpleasant situations such as penalties.

Even so, we know that sometimes this preventive work has not been addressed in time with professionals, therefore, we assume the management of administrative and contentious-administrative proceedings (lawsuits), where we will advise you from the previous actions before the Administrations, to the subsequent handling, if necessary, of lawsuits with the Public Administrations.

Sanctioning procedures

Don’t let a fine kill your business!

We deal with the defense of the sanctioning procedures that your company has to face.

Sometimes, the Administration considers that with our activity we have committed an infraction that entails significant fines, paralysis of the activity, prohibition to commercialize a certain product, etc.

We are specialists in successfully defending these proceedings so that the viability of your business is not affected by having to face penalties.

Asset liability of the Administration

Occasionally, the activities of public administrations and agencies cause us damages. For example, damages caused by floods from the Canal de Isabel II, inactivity of the Administration in situations that harm us, or even, on occasions, the approval of certain regulations may cause us damages that we are not obliged to bear.

In these cases, we fight for you to be paid the compensation you are entitled to.

Public Procurement

Are you interested in having your company provide services or carry out works for the public sector (municipalities, autonomous communities, State)?

We advise you on the entire procedure, from understanding the bases of each tender to the fulfillment of bidding requirements (what do you need to be awarded a contract?), the preparation of all the necessary documentation, corrections and appeals, etc.

Requirements for the exercise of an activity

We all know that in Spain you have to comply with a lot of requirements to carry out any economic, business or commercial activity. And we must also be able to comply, if we do not want to suffer sanctions, with the requirements demanded by the Administrations of the State, the Autonomous Communities and the different City Councils.

We make it easy for you: we take care of registration procedures, application for licenses and authorizations, filing of responsible declarations, etc.

Forced expropriation

Few things are more unpleasant than the risk of losing our properties due to the opening of compulsory expropriation proceedings against us…

The reasons can be endless, but good legal advice can change everything.

Regulated sectors and special properties

The Spanish legal system is very changeable and varied; we must be aware of the changes that occur at the European Union, State and Autonomous Community levels.

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Competition law

We guarantee the defense of our clients against dishonorable practices of their competitors.

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Regulated sectors and special properties


Energy and renewable energies










Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals




Environment and circular economy


Industry and innovation

Contact information

Contact us and we will advise you.

Calle Velázquez Nº. 15, 2º derecha 28001 Madrid

+34 911250373 +34 673405764

Your peace of mind is the beginning of our action